Bedroom is one of the most important rooms in our house, because it is where we spend about 8 hours each day relaxing. However, many people do not pay much attention to how it is arranged, which unfortunately can affect the quality of our lives. After all, this place is an axial point in the energy network of a house, and what does it mean? First of all, the bedroom has the largest number of ideas or plans for the future, but the right way to do this is to strengthen health or reduce the chances of a marriage breaking up.
Therefore, it is worth spending some time on this subject, so that the place of our rest gives us strength and has a positive impact on our lives. Feng shui is a rather complex technique of both the layout of rooms in the house and their furnishing. Some aspects of this technique should be left to professionals, because only they move in them so smoothly that they can actually help us. It is about the location of our bedroom, which should be in favorable areas, where there are favorable stars. However, there are issues that we can determine on our own. These include, for example, the position of the bed, which should be positioned in such a way that your head is facing a positive direction, such as your health.
If we sleep together in bed, remember that we take into account those directions that are favorable to the husband, regardless of whether they are in harmony with his wife's directions. But that's not all, because we can also do the bedroom furnishing on our own without the calculation of feng shui experts. One of the rules is that the bed must not be slanted under any circumstances and, what is very important, it must also have support at the headboard. Any 'unevenness in the ceiling' or lack of a 'good back' affects our health and the overall quality of our lives.
Another rule of thumb in the bedroom is that the head rest should not be under the window so that the bed faces the entrance with its legs, either in the front door line or in the bathroom. Feng shui also does not allow for a direct transition from the bathroom to the bedroom. Since feng shui technology treats a bed as the most important piece of furniture in our bedroom, every other element of it has to be subordinated to it. The energy of our bed should not be affected by any negative energy, which may come from a wrongly positioned furniture or decoration in our bedroom.
The energy in the place of our sleep, however, affects not only what is in the room itself, but also things located behind the wall and under and above our bedroom. Feng shui completely forbids sleeping over garages, boiler rooms, toilets, bathrooms, water tanks or heavy objects. Even if we decorate our apartment perfectly, taking care of the rules of feng shui, everything can come to nothing, if behind our head, in a neighbor's apartment, we will have a washbasin or a stove. In addition, it is worth knowing that beds cannot be placed behind furniture or doors, in any recesses, or even under a chandelier. The place of our sleep, at least on three sides, but also above and below the bed, must be shrouded in qi energy. So let's forget about keeping all the unnecessary stuff under the bed.
A bedroom should also be a place free from any violent objects, such as weapons or even posters, as well as images of the dead or objects in motion. According to feng shui, we should also avoid mirrors, plants and water. But these are not all the prohibitions that are contained in all kinds of publications concerning the furnishing of bedrooms according to the feng shui technique. Too much roundness, triangular shapes, bright and dark colours can have a bad influence on our sleep, but also a metal bed, lacquered or stone floors, electronic equipment such as TV sets and the fact that the room in which we sleep has an irregular shape.
What else should you pay attention to in the case of bedroom furnishing? We should not put antiques in it, because the balance of yin energy is disturbed. It can only be restored by large mountain crystals with piezoelectric energy. If you do not have such accessories, a good solution may be to change the room in which the bedroom is located, or at least to move the bed. A very important issue when preparing our bedroom is, of course, the choice of colors. It depends on the area in which the room is located, but it is also possible to decide on the color scheme based on the determination of the birth element of the person who will sleep in a specific bedroom. The principle of the five elements is therefore at stake. The color almost forbidden according to feng shui is yellow, which instead of calming down, stimulates our mind. Those recovering should opt for green, which has therapeutic properties.